We had a unique opportunity to partner with Pilchuck Audubon and the Edmonds Wildlife Habitat Native Plant Demonstration Garden to welcome a very special presenter: Mr. Charles Darwin! The recording of this event is available through the end of March 2021, here.
Edmonds resident David B. Richman donned his 19th century wardrobe and stepped into character to give a first person account of Mr. Darwin’s life, the development of the theory of evolution by natural selection, and the 1859 publication of On The Origin of Species. David Richman is a college professor emeritus and emeritus curator of the Arthropod Museum from the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science at New Mexico State University. Recommended reading includes:
- A two-volume set by Janet Browne: Charles Darwin – Voyaging (Vol 1) and Charles Darwin – The Power of Place (Vol 2).
- Darwin Comes to Town by Menno Schilthuizen, and
- A Most Interesting Problem edited by Jeremy DeSilvia, with an introduction by Janet Browne.
Thanks to our presenters and participants for sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm! You can stay up-to-date on future programs at our events page.