A library can never have too many friends. For over 40 years, the Friends of the Edmonds Library has built community support for Edmonds Library programs and services. Have you used a computer at the library? Friends contribute to that quality equipment. Have you admired the plants or freshwater aquarium? Friends provide the monetary support to maintain these amenities. Are you aware of the “Coffee and Conversations with a Social Worker” program, to connect people to critical public services? Friends fund this program and many others. And while the library building may be temporarily closed, the library is always working for you, with dynamic online services and WiFi access from the parking lot.
Now is a great time to join the Friends as we celebrate National Library Week and work to ensure our library maintains its vital place in our community. We’d love for you to join us for the remainder of our membership year (through September 30) and beyond. Annual dues are only $10 per person, $15 per family, or $100 for a business sponsorship.
Annual Friends membership dues, sponsorships, and funds generated from our book sales allow our volunteer-led organization to respond quickly to library needs, and to undertake projects that fall outside the established budget of our local library. Friends funds provide Orca and shower cards to supplement food bank donations for individuals experiencing economic hardships. The Friends provide community grants to organizations enabling lifelong learning, including a recent award to Washington Kids in Transition to support their work to address the needs of students impacted by homelessness in our local school district. In our current economic climate, government and city budgets may be impacted, which could affect our local libraries. If you believe, as we do, that the Edmonds Library is a pillar of our community, please join us today.